Monday 11 July 2011

Why Me?

At times it's hard not to think, "Why did this happen to me?" They say God doesn't give you more than you can handle. I'm lucky. It could have been a million times worse. I caught it early and I have to think that something good will come of this.

Bad things happen to everyone at some point or other. Some people just seem to have a longer string of bad events than others. I believe, that for every bad thing that happens to you, something twice as good will happen also. So, if I have worse luck than most, then my luck is also far better than most. You need to experience the lows to appreciate the highs.

Besides, if it hadn't happened to me, it could have happened to someone close to me. Better to me, than to someone I love. I can handle what happens to me. I know how much I can take. Seeing someone I love being sick would be unbearable, because I would worry it was too much for them to handle.

I believe that a certain amount of negatives have to exist in our world for the positives to be possible. So if it is meant for me to experience more negatives than some people do, then that would prevent other people from experiencing those instead.

So when I think, "Why me?" I stop myself and say, "Who better than me?"

1 comment:

  1. hi ....interesting blog but remember : everything is possible if you really dare!!! enjoy your day and BE HAPPY.

    best wishes.....
